
DL 142 Launches Facebook Page

We are happy to announce the launch of our IAM District Lodge 142 Facebook Page.  Information is being spread quickly through Social Media and DL 142 has begun the transition of working more with technology to improve our communications.  The Grand Lodge, Transportation Territory as well as some of our Local Lodges have active Facebook Pages and it is now Our Time to start our page and bring us to the next level of communication.

Statistics show over 1.4 billion people are on Facebook worldwide and 968 million people check it daily.   Seventy-Two Percent (72%) of all adults that go on the internet are on Facebook

Our Facebook page contains factual information and is similar to a website.  It has links to “LIKE”, and “SHARE”, our Facebook page as well as  “SIGN UP” to our email list.

This is a quick way to communicate and get information out and share it with our Brothers and Sisters.
Please assist us in improving our communication with our Membership by visiting the IAM District Lodge 142  Facebook Page and “Like” and “Share” our Page with our Membership.


In Solidarity,

Rachael Ackerman


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