
ExpressJet CRJ Duty Day Violations

When the ATL and DTW bid packets were published they contained dozens of duty day violations due to an issue with the Flica update that occurred. We quickly contacted the Company to discuss resolutions to this issue.  ATL Grievance Base Chair, Marche Cooper and myself worked closely with the Company for the past few days and we have been able to finalize a grievance settlement which will provide the following:

  1.  Pairings will be adjusted after the bid awards to comply with the scheduled 14 hour duty day provision as provided for in the CBA.
  2.  All pairings will be pay protected and duty days will not be extended past the footprint of original pairing.
  3.  The Company and the Union will agree upon the necessary pairing adjustments, keeping the integrity of the pairing will be considered when adjusting and will         begin adjusting pairings on the affected duty day.
  4.  If the Company has to schedule an overnight in domicile concerning these 52 pairings, the Flight Attendant will be given a hotel in domicile, the pairing will not be split and per diem will continue.

We felt this was the best possible option in order to prevent delays in bid awards and the bidding process from being interrupted any more than necessary.  March Cooper and I will be present for the bid awards and subsequent pairing adjustments to ensure the grievance settlement is being upheld.

If you have any questions at this time please email