

Sisters and Brothers,

Negotiations resumed this week in NYC at the offices of Jackson-Lewis in Manhattan.  Present for the Union were Andrew Boyd from the City Office, Lenny Costa, Chief Steward from JFK and James M. Samuel, General Chairperson from District Lodge 142.  Attending for the Company were Yossi Benbasset, HR & Admin. Manager and Roger Briton, Counsel for the Company.

Progress continued as responses were tendered by both parties to the proposals made during the last meeting.  There remains a significant economic divide between our positions.  The divide is significant because the Union believes that success and healthy revenue streams by any carrier should be shared with its employees.  This is evident everywhere you look in the industry, and certainly more so under all the IAM contracts at carriers we represent.  We will continue to endeavor to secure that contract for you also.

Additional dates have been set to continue negotiations with future meetings occurring during the week of May 8.  The only source for accurate information concerning these negotiations will be from District Lodge 142 and will be released following each negotiating session.  If you have any questions about negotiations, please speak with your committee representatives or you can always feel free to me a call at (859) 653-4037 or email me at .

With best wishes, we remain

Sincerely and fraternally,


James M. Samuel
General Chairperson

Andrew Boyd                         Lenny Costa
Negotiating Committee Members


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