
US Airways Mechanic and Related, Stores and MTS Screening Committees Scheduled to Meet

To continue to prepare for negotiations of our Joint Collective Bargaining Agreements (JCBA) with our Association partners, we will be scheduling the LUS screening committees for all the respective classifications to meet in Charlotte during the week of May 18, 2015.

We have collected proposals from all work groups and now these proposals must be sorted and prepared for negotiations.  The members of the screening committees will be announced early next week.  This is one of the final steps needed to be completed before we are ready to begin negotiations.

The company has said they plan on putting us at the top of the industry.  We need to get to the table to see how serious they are in what they have said to our Members and the press.  We are prepared to hold them to their word!

Should you have questions regarding this process, please talk to your Shop Stewards and Local Committee.  With your solidarity, we can obtain the industry leading contract we all deserve and are entitled to.  It is time for us to extract from the company what we deserve for the sacrifices we have made that put the company in the position as the largest and most profitable airline in the world.


David Supplee



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