

As a continuation of the last bulletin that shared updates, clarifications and/or corrections to the Tentative Agreement, this bulletin contains the same type of information.  Here is a summary of the latest items that are different from the original release:

  • There is another updated copy of the TA document available on the District Lodge 142 website. The address is listed below. In this latest version of the TA document, the references to “dates of ratification” have been corrected for historical context.
  • There have been some people in JFK who are trying to find any reason to latch on to in an effort to speak negatively about this TA. You are hearing or have heard from your Negotiating Committee concerning the contents of the TA and its origins and intent. The latest unfounded rumor being spread is that because of the historical language that has been struct concerning many years of closing and/or outsourcing, that there is something being lost if this TA ratifies. This couldn’t be any further from the truth.  There is no intent by the Company or Union to remove or otherwise materially change any past accommodations, protections or provisions that were made as the result of any portion of the business that was previously closed or outsourced.  Any job, seniority or pay protection that you have today prior to this TA and ratification effort will continue to be there post-ratification if successful.

The electronic copy available at will be updated to reflect all of these changes.  We apologize for any confusion caused with these issues. The most up to date and correct version will always be available on the District Lodge 142 website at  Please take the time to read the entire document before you formulate any opinions or questions.  This will help you make an educated decision and not an emotional decision when you vote.  If you have any questions, please give me a call at (859) 653-4037 or email me at or contact one of your negotiating committee members.

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Corrected Customer Service TA