
ExpressJet TA FAQs – 3-22-19

Tentative Agreement Questions

Since the tentative agreement was published last Monday, we have been receiving many questions. Please keep in mind the best place to get information is from your IAM representatives who will be in every crew room everyday from now until the end of the vote on April 5th. We did want to address some questions we have received so everyone will be voting based on accurate information.

Can I vote while on Furlough?

Eligibility to vote on a contract while on furlough must be determined at the time any individual casts a vote. All persons who show up to a voting place will be permitted to cast a ballot. If a person is not on the eligibility list, the ballot will be sealed and investigated by the District tellers at the time of the final tally. Generally, per existing IAMAW Grand Lodge Policy, members casting a ballot who are actively working or on furlough with a known return to work date will be considered eligible. All ExpressJet flight attendants are encouraged to participate in the ratification process.

Why are we voting in ATL if it is no longer a base?

There are a large number of commuters from ATL and it may be an easier commute to vote for some members. Remember you can vote at any Polling Place. Our goal is to get as much participation as possible from all of our members.

Why is voting beginning on a Sunday?

The intention of including a weekend day was to allow those who may be more available on the weekends to have the opportunity to vote. Our goal is to get as much participation as possible from all of our members.

 Why will my ballot be “impounded” if I vote out of base?

 This is just to ensure nobody is able to vote twice in different bases. An “impounded” ballot just means your ballot in put into a sealed envelope in order to verify you have not voted in another base before it’s counted. If you did not vote in another base and you are an eligible voter, your vote will be counted.

 If the tentative agreement passes will there be furloughs after October 2019?

 The way we came to that date was that would be the point in which the Company should no longer be overstaffed and furloughs would not be necessary. Most of the new aircraft should be in service by then.

 Will we still receive hotels and per diem if we are cancelled in our domicile if the tentative agreement passes?


 Is our per diem going down to $1.90 if the tentative agreement passes?

 No. There is me too language with the pilots in the tentative agreement and we will continue to receive per diem increases at the same time as the pilots per Section 5.D.2.

 Will there be a systemwide re-bid for bases when the seniority integration takes place?

 No. All transfers will continue to be processed into bases that have vacancies. Displaced flight attendants will return to their domicile before any transfers are processed into that domicile.

Is the snapback grievance payment is owed to us for the last 11 years when we took concessions?

No. The snapback is only due from the time another work group got a 6.78% increase in overall compensation which was much more recent than 11 years ago.

 Would we get more money if we took the snapback grievances to arbitration?

 With arbitration nothing is definite and it’s always a gamble. This monetary settlement in addition to most of the concessions being returned in the tentative agreement is definite.

 Will we still have secondary line improvement?

 Yes, once lines are final trading will open and is outlined in Section 4.O of the tentative agreement.

 Will I lose my medical benefits if I fly less than 30 hours?

 The only way you would be in danger of losing active rates is if you are holding a part-time position and do not average a minimum of 30 hours and choose to bid part-time again.

Will there be a maximum amount of hours you’re able to pick up under the tentative agreement?

 No. There is also no longer a maximum to the amount of incentive pay hours in the tentative agreement.

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